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Monday, December 17, 2012


The Bolivar Lighthouse from the Channel

Never mind the slanted horizon...

Just look at the water droplets - so close.
On beautiful days,everyone wants to see ahead.

This is what they are looking at.

Meanwhile, behind the ferry, the gulls are performing for possible bread crumbs from the passengers.

Their amazing "radar" keeps them from having crashes.

Here the gulls are dancing with their own shadows.

And this guy is just along for the ride!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


We seldom travel after dark these days (must be getting a day older...) but on December 2nd on our way home from Galveston, we saw this beautiful sight. The full moon shining on the water with the Galveston ferry landing lights in the background was a sight to capture and remember.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Lest you think that the only things worth photographing on or around our peninsula are birds and water, this blog will set you straight.  In the past (before the storm), right across the road from us, lived a herd of cattle. And down the road a piece, lived several beautiful horses. Alas, the storm moved them out - one way or the other.

But now, new creatures have arrived. They are not unusual - except to this part of the peninsula. And they are beautiful in their own right. I hope you agree.

She is very photogenic - although a bit "stout" for my taste.

This young one handles the flies in his own way.

These guys came running when they saw me.

Whereas, these guys simply turned their "backs."

He gave me a look that said, "Don't even think about it!"

More interested in finding the best weeds to eat.

Oh yes, he was watching over the goats and didn't like it one bit that I was taking pictures.
He barked right up to the fence, but thankfully, he was unable to get through.

Sunday, November 11, 2012


One windy day recently,
I saw this flock of gulls all bunched up on the beach.
I decided to see how close I could get
with my camera
before they spooked. 

About 40 gulls, beaks to the wind, gathered together.

When I started "shooting" them, I was about 30-40 feet away.

Some left, some stayed. "That camera is getting too close!"
"OK Guys, we're out of here. She just keeps walking toward us.
Maybe she's coming in the water, too!"

These two were stoics*. "Na! She won't come in. Besides, I have to rest my foot!"
By the time they all took off, I was in the surf without realizing I had gone that far.
There goes the last of the flock.

 They'll be back once I'm gone.
*Stoic: a member of an ancient Greek school of philosophy that asserted that happiness can only be achieved
by accepting life's ups and downs as the products of unalterable destiny.
The school was founded around 308 bc by Zeno.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012



Smoke we see to the north - from our deck.

It went across Bolivar Peninsula from Galveston Bay to the Gulf of Mexico

Friday, October 19, 2012


Three blocks from our house, stands this newly refurbished (since IKE) home.
It was abandoned, but now it looks ready for occupancy.
The draw, for me, was the very high lookout.

The sun only allows a dark view of these homes.

Here, the sun cooperates with the kiss of sunbeams.

The Gulf of Mexico to my back, I turn to the Intercoastal Canal and Galveston Bay.
Here is a long barge system with its pusher on the Canal.
The Gulf is the backdrop for the view to the south.

Looking toward the NNE is my general neighborhood.
If you knew where to look, you could see the roof of our house on the mid-left of this shot.

And toward the WSW, the water tower of Crystal Beach now has many, many new homes to serve.
In this shot, there will not be one house that is not either new or completely redone.

On the edge of Galveston Bay is the Stingaree area.

At a distance on the Gulf are the usual ships at sea.
Bolivar Peninsula curves along into Galveston Island. On clear days, we can see these towers.
Finishing my walk brought me past our bayou with a lovely reflection.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Just one or two kilometers from Loquard, where we lived for six weeks in 2011, is Rysum and its Reformed Church. We attended the Easter service here since this is one of the churches of my husband's ancesters. 

Within a block from this church is the Rysum Windmill, which, I believe must be one of the most photographed windmills in this part of Ostfriesland. Rysum and Loquard are both located on the coastal road that follows the dike all the way to Greetsiel.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Where have all the duckies gone?

This used to be a sight we would see often in the Spring on our ponds.
Sadly, since the storm (IKE) the ducks haven't been back
We miss them.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


On April 17th last year we found out about a special concert being given at St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Emden, Ostfriesland. A beautiful organ and a large choir held us breathless for more than an hour. Here are some of the shots I took that late afternoon.
The plaque by the entry door.
Due to the close proximity of buildings and traffic, this is as much of the huge building as I could get.
The church was built in the form of a cross. The chancel shown here (in the crossbar) is nearly as big as the sanctuary.
This etching is on the Chancel wall.
The setting sun gives a flare to the colors on the rear sanctuary window.